Wednesday, 22 August 2007

Trio aim (high)

We need to get to this (aiming high):
'Spectatorship is not passivity that has been turned into activity. It s our normal situation. We learn and teach, we act and know as spectators who link what they see with what they have seen and told, done and dreamt. There is not privileged medium, as there is not privileged starting point. Everywhere there are starting points from which we learn something new, if we dismiss, firstly, the presupposition of the distance; secondly, the distribution of the roles; thirdly the borders between the territories. We have not to turn spectators into actors, We have to acknowledge that any spectator already is an actor of his own story and that the actor also is the spectator of the same kind of story. We have not to turn the ignorant into learned person,or, according to a mere scheme of overturn, make the student or the ignorant the master of his master'

By Jacqes Ranciere

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