A few things are going through my head at the end of this day.
Can we as artists define the kind of audience we want?If we attempt to guide our audience into becoming the kind of audience we wish for, is that selfish, forced and patronizing?
Is it idealism to wish for an audience, to wish for people to think about what they are interested in. whether they can change the course of action or not...in every moment of watching and every moment of doing? If this is the main aim of the piece and the content is more or less replaceable, are they then doing us a service that they should be paid for as performers? Is this achieveable, is this interesting. well i am interested in it now, so i guess thats what i will do..?
plan of action
somehow each audience member should be able to leave something of their own in the action, somehow have the chance to alter its pathway, and be part of a recognizeable building process that develops throughout the piece. we spoke about this a bit in july and it is something i would like investigate into this and next week.
I would like to experiment with this thought on three levels -
1. directly visible
shifting chairs to change orientation and maybe other things in the phrase, asking the spectator to tape their pathway in the room onto the floor when they are finished
2. indirectly visible, altering the material of the dancer
I would like to experiment with picking up movement patterns, habits, gestures of each spectator and build them into the phrase
3. indirectly visible, altering the material for the spectator
I would like to experiment with asking each audience member to pass one question and one answer they had in this room to the next person walking in. I like that this is something that builds and can become quite central to the action but stays hidden to the performer.
I would try to take one of these things at a time next week, once I have a phrase that i am confident with to take back into improvisation.
what do you think?
Diary day one
I made a long phrase today. more like a skeleton of a phrase to be developed tomorrow. i took the idea of receiving, transmitting and search for radio waves as a starting point. somehow a lot of the work on movement states we did last December reappeared. i guess it is still in my body somehow, so I let these patterns come back and build them into the phrase.
At the moment this phrase is a loop, moving between two chairs (start and finish in the same chair). It has no orientation so far. I would be interested to see what happens to the material if it is dependent on the orientation of the chairs, and I ask the spectator to shift them around as they please.
Thursday, 11 October 2007
Radio Waves

Propagation is a term that describes the travel of electromagnetic waves, there being three principle main modes of propagation. The first is a straight line travel: the manner that radio waves travel through deep space (ignoring the slight deviations caused by gravity under the theory of relativity). A second way is a skip, which is bouncing between the surface of the earth and the ionosphere (high frequency). The third way is to hug the surface of the earth as it curves around. Radio waves of very low frequency most often travel this way.
`Source - Wikipedia´
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