Sunday, 22 July 2007

notes on the piece from december 06 - raquel

The piece

[1] The format
Two spaces: waiting room and performance for two people.
By chance one person sits in the ‘directors’ chair, one sits in the ‘audience’ chair.
It is about watching and being watched.

[2] The scenes
The people entering effect a change of energy or mood. [Originally we thought they would walk into a scene already running and it would be at the moment they sat in the chair that an abrupt change would occur. We would only notice them once they had sat in the chair, then we would drop what we were doing and start the scene. I think this would be more effective]
The three performers shift between stasis and activity. It is cyclical.

Sources / Ideas
Waiting for Godo….The Beach…..Status….
Three people wanting a leader, a choreographer, someone to take control.

‘Every social animal has a hierarchy. There is stasis until a challenge is made to the leader. Then there is conflict until hierarchy is established again’.
Keith Johnston, Improv

Take this pattern for the scenes and structure of a piece [stasis / conflict].
OR Idea that we are perpetually looking for a leader in order to maintain an equality between us. The contradiction in this is interesting.

‘…but you are first but you are last, but he is tall but she is small, but you stay up but you go down, but we are rich but we are poor, but they find peace but they find…’
Martin Amis, Yellow Dog

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