Saturday 28 July 2007

Lenny & Keith (text)

scene from ‘strange days’

‘I want you to know what we are talking about here. This is not like TV only better, this is life. This is a piece of somebody’s life. It’s pure and uncut, straight from the cerebral cortex.
You’re there, you’re doing it. You’re seeing it, you’re hearing it. You’re feeling it.
It’s whatever you want, whoever you want to be…
It’s about the stuff you can’t have right, the forbidden fruit. Like running into a liquor store, with a 357 magnum in your hand, feeling the adrenalin pumping through your venes…

Yeah I can make it happen, I can get you anything anything it’s true you just have to talk to me you have to trust me you have to trust me.

I am your priest. I am your shrink. I am your main connection to the switchboard of souls. I am the magic man, the Santa Claus of the subconscious. You say it, you think it, you can have it. You want a girl? You want two girls? I mean I don’t know what your thing is, what you are curious about. Want a guy? Want to BE a girl?

Before we talk about money I want you to try it. I’ve got a deck with me right here, step into my office…

1 comment:

Raquel Meseguer said...

"one man's mundane and desperate existence is another man's technicolour"
Strange Days

I love the sequence early on in the film when Lenny is driving along in his car. He keeps changing the music, his soundtrack. He watches 2 girls running down the street. Classical music is playing and they appear young and free. They run behind a parked van and are obscured from view. When they are visible again is becomes clear they are chasing someone. A man in a santa costume. They wrestle him to the ground and presumably mug him. The change in situation is interesting, as is how we construct our own realities. See things as we want to see them.

Is there any scope for this switching of situations within the sensory fixes?

Raquel X